
College leaders need to lead.

ACTA believes that the strength of America’s higher education system rests in independent governing
boards. Trustees must be more than boosters and fundraisers, as they are responsible for the mission of the institution.
They must be active and engaged fiduciaries, reviewing and benchmarking the work of faculty and administrators.

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How Colleges Spend Money

ACTA’s is an innovative, free portal into a vast trove of information on spending at 1,500 public and private colleges and universities. Visitors can select specific colleges and instantly access eight years of their administrative and instructional spending patterns; compare them with other institutions in their peer groups; research student tuition, retention, and graduation rates; generate reports; and much more.

How Colleges Spend Money
Institute for Effective Governance®

Institute for Effective Governance®

Through its Institute for Effective Governance ® , ACTA conducts board retreats specifically designed to help college and university trustees understand the fundamental issues that make governance in higher education a unique challenge. IEG’s seminars for governing boards leverage ACTA’s expertise as a national voice in higher education governance and they draw upon the knowledge of our extensive network of college and university leaders.

Accreditation Reform

Accreditation Reform

Why are six private corporations the gatekeepers of billions of dollars of federal education funding annually? ACTA advocates for reforms to help America’s colleges and universities ensure that future generations can access a high-quality education at an affordable price.

It is great to know that we have a strong education leader like [ACTA] who not only joins the discussion but also works toward finding solutions. We are fortunate to work with you to create a stronger country for future generations.

Chris Christie, former Governor of New Jersey
For the Nation: Raise Awareness

For the Nation: Raise Awareness

ACTA carefully surveys students on issues of academic freedom and intellectual diversity using nationally recognized polling organizations. These studies, on both a national and state level, show an alarmingly high percentage of students who believe they must agree with their professors to get a good grade and who find the classroom a place of political indoctrination.

For Institutions: Advocating Strong Policies

For Institutions: Advocating Strong Policies

Strong policies that protect free expression create a ripple effect across the entire campus. And fortunately for trustees and other university leaders, forming and implementing these polices is not uncharted territory. ACTA has been a leader in advocating for the adoption of the Chicago Principles on Freedom of Expression or similar policies on college campuses. Written in the 2014-15 academic year by the University of Chicago, the Chicago Principles represent the gold standard for an institutional commitment to free speech. To date, over 72 institutions of higher learning have followed Chicago’s lead.

For Trustees: Providing Solutions

For Trustees: Providing Solutions

ACTA provides trustees with the tools they need to understand academic freedom and to take positive actions to protect and foster it. Our original research, including Guarding the Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Hear and Building a Culture of Free Expression on the American College Campus, educates trustees and university officials on today’s most prominent threats to academic freedom and provides tried-and-tested methods that have enabled colleges and universities to protect free speech on their campuses. Our landmark publication, Free to Teach, Free to Learn, Understanding and Maintaining Academic Freedom in Higher Education, reports on the dangerous decline of intellectual diversity on college campuses and features key documents that shaped the modern concept of academic freedom, coupled with commentary from a wide and bipartisan roster of distinguished educators, attorneys, and policymakers.

For Faculty: Honoring Courage

For Faculty: Honoring Courage

ACTA believes that the most powerful lines of defense standing between the preservation of academic freedom and the proliferation of ideological homogeneity on campus are faculty and administrators who challenge students with new ideas and urge them to offer contrasting views. Our Heroes of Intellectual Freedom initiative celebrates the courageous university personnel who refuse to toe the line of speech codes and safe spaces. The stand these leaders make matters. They show students how to engage in robust dialogue with civility but without fear.

For Students: Promoting Civil Discourse

For Students: Promoting Civil Discourse

Despite reports of angry campus protests that make headlines, ACTA knows that the majority of students are hungry for close collaboration with each other and to understand the motivations of those who hold contrasting viewpoints. Through our partnership with the grassroots organization, Braver Angels, ACTA empowers university student groups to hold parliamentary style debates so that every member of the campus community can experience this type of passionate exchange. With ACTA’s assistance, students learn how to hold a civil discussion with each other by listening and asking genuine questions and cultivate the virtues of patience, self-awareness, and empathy that result from forming a friendship across political and ideological divides.


Launched in 1995, we are the only organization that works with alumni, donors, trustees, and education leaders across the United States to support liberal arts education, uphold high academic standards, safeguard the free exchange of ideas on campus, and ensure that the next generation receives an intellectually rich, high-quality college education at an affordable price.

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